Sanna Purinton is a true child of the 60's - her connection to spirit and consciousness, began (consciously) in the 1970’s, though coming from the deeply connected, shamanic Mapuche women of Chile, this ability was intrinsic, pre-determinded, she possessed this ability on a cellular level.

Spirit has entwined itself in each undulation of her life, and through this experience Sanna offers her one-to-one sessions, workshops, and guided meditations to the masses. 

To say that this natural teaching ability is innate is an understatement; many across the world have flocked to her to receive her wisdom. Sanna’s lifelong, deep, visceral connection with spirit is imbued in every session she embarks upon.

 It is with this unique approach that Sanna brings that same generosity of spirit, transcendent knowledge and authentic connection, so that you too, might expand in the authentic nature of the divine.


In a world where we prioritise self-care and physical and mental health – what we are forgetting is prioritising what Sanna calls our “Spiritual Health”.